YOURS publica notícia sobre ações do Vida Urgente

Comunicação Vida Urgente

A YOURS (Youth For Road Safety), instituição internacional que reúne organizações que buscam a segurança de jovens no trânsito, publicou uma notícia no seu portal sobre as ações do Salva Vida Urgente no período de Carnaval. A Fundação Thiago de Moraes Gonzaga é uma das entidades fundadoras e participantes da YOURS desde 2008.

Confira o artigo na íntegra:

Road safety through the vibrancy of a carnaval

The colours of the Brazillian Carnival are a great metaphor for young people around the world. The carnival depicts diversity, vibrancy, energy, positivity and fun! So approaching this event with a road safety message through the same rainbow of colour and energy has been a successful method in engaging young people in a road safety message. Read more about it here!

Vida Urgente, translated as  ‘Urgent Life’ employs a host of life promotion messages to encourage young people to make healthy decisions and embrace the life they live in positive ways. Vida Urgente are a longstanding member and supporter of YOURS and were part of the taskforce that shaped the foundations of the organization. They also helped to launch YOURS in Moscow in 2009.

Continuing their dissemination of road safety messages in Brazil and wider South America, the organization recently took a road safety message to the vibrancy of the Brazilian Carnival. The auspicious Brazillian Carnival has been well documented around the world bringing together bright colours, samba dancing, outrageous and jaw dropping outfits and an overall feeling of positivity. Porto Alegre city – Brazil was the backdrop for a great carnival experience.

Vida Urgente told us:

“As you may know the Carnival in Brazil is a very huge event, mobilizing thousands of people, where the risk of accidents on roads increase considerably, so we developed this campaign in outdoors format and folders, that will be delivered into stations tolls roads, to thousands of drivers who will be traveling due to the Holiday”.

The campaign was run in major newspapers across the country. Each folder contains in the front, an art allusive to Samba School’s flags, where the names of school are replaced to “Empire of the driver’s time”,” Academics of Safe Driving “and ” United Taxi Tour.” Beside these flags, a Carnival message for Vida Urgente : “Abre Alas para a Vida. Dirija com segurança neste Carnaval” something like “Open area to life. Drive safely in this Carnival. “

The back of the brochure brings the messages “Boarding into the revelry of Carnival  and be parto of life’s block,” followed by tips on transit: – Speed limits, Use of seat belts, Car review, Using mobile while driving, Kids in the back seat with chairs and Sleeping at the wheel.

Also part of the campaign for the carnival, Vida Urgente already started running an exclusive campaign road safety jingle on radios across Brazil. This unique jingle focuses on;

A radio jingle for the holiday, which blends traditional drumming Carnival sounds with traffic accidents sounds, and in the end, the voiceover says: “Unfortunately this has been the beat of Carnival for many young people. Make party, but if driving do not drink” 

You can listen to the radio spot here. To finalize our Carnival campaigns, like here in Brazil this season is summer, we put in more than 300 power poles, in more than 15 cities, an adhesive-size, in the shape of a boy and a girl, that simulate a hug on the pole where you can read writing on the back: “It has something much better for you to embrace this summer. If driving, do not drink”. (attached)

Finally, our friends at Vida Urgente didn’t forget to add a global element to their campaign by taking part in the YOURS edition of the Long Short Walk! They submitted a slection of photos against the backdrop of the Carnival which we will publish soon! You can also take part in theLong Short Walk here


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O Vida Urgente é mais do que uma campanha de trânsito. É um conceito de preservação e valorização da vida.

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